Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bibliography: East Asian Mummies

[Siberian Mummies]

B2021-2. Slepchenko, S.M., Hong, J.H., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies in Siberia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

B2021-15. Slepchenko, S.M. et al. (2021). Bog Bodies and Natural Mummification of Siberia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

[Japanese Mummies]

B2021-3. Fujita, H., Koike, J., Sugimori, H., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies in Japan. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

[Chinese Mummies]

B2021-4. Kang, I.U., Han, J., Hong, J.H., Kim, J., Shin, D.H., Mair, V.H. (2021). Archaeological Findings of the Tarim Basin Graves and Mummies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

B2021-7. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H. (2021). Mummies of Song-Ming Dynasty in China. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

B2021-10. Joo, K., Shin, D.H. (2021). Mummies in China: Mawangdui and Other Related Mummies. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

[Korean Mummies]

Please see complete publication list in

B2021-5. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Shin, M.H., Kim, M.J., Lee, H.J. (2021). Joseon Dynasty Mummies of Korea. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

B2021-16. Shin, D.H., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Song, M.K. (2021). Mummy Clothing Found in East Asia. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

KM2020-4. 오창석, 신동훈. 절규하는 그녀 심장마비로 사망했을까. 과학동아. 2020. 9월호

B2014-1. Shin DH, Oh CS, Kim MJ, You DS and Lee IS. What could radiological study say about Korean mummies? Yearbook of Mummy Studies, 2014. March. Vol. 2. 125-131. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Scientific publisher, Munchen, Germany

B2008-1. Shin MH, Yi YS, Bok GD, Lee E-J, Spigelman M, Park JB, Min S-R and Shin DH. How did mummification occur in bodies buried in tombs with a lime soil mixture barrier during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Mummies and Science World Mummies Research. Pena PA, Martin RM and Rodriguez AR (eds.) 105-113. 2008. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. 

B2008-2. Kim MJ, Lee IS, Spigelman M, Donoghue HD, Lee SD, Kim Y-S, Lim DS, Oh CS, Seo M, Park J-B, Min S-R, and Shin DH. Future prospects for the scientific investigations of the medieval human remains from the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Mummies and Science World Mummies Research. Pena PA, Martin RM and Rodriguez AR (eds.) 105-113. 2008. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

KM2017-3. 신동훈. 조선시대 무덤에서 발견된 미라를 어떻게 조사할 것 인가. 계간 한국의 고고학. 37호. 24-29. 주류성. 

KM2012-1. 신동훈. 조선시대 미라 연구, 지나간 10년의 연구사와 미래. 한국의 고고학 2012. 20호. 주류성